Thursday, July 06, 2006

For Susan

Now on occasion I stage photos (see example #1) but the other day I went to check on the too quiet babies. When I arrived crib-side I found them holding hands, so cute(see #2). Finally since I posted a picture of the 'little man', I posted one of 'Tater' & her favorite mama. (#3) Loves ya'all!! Shannon


Susan said...

Yeah, 'cause I've *never* staged a picture. I love the glimpse into Eli's future - drink in one hand, remote in the other :P I love the picture of you and Avery, but I have to ask, "Tater"? How did this nickname come about? Do tell!

Shannon said...

I don't know I think i just started calling her that one day, now I have to try hard not to use it so much. (don't want her to be called tater for her whole life). I have a nephew whose name is Eric & my brother started calling him ED when he was a baby & everyone still calls him that (He is 15 years old now),